The Poets

If you are a descendant of one of the student poets published in Cactus Blossoms or Tumbleweeds, please contact us, we would love to get in touch with you!

Japanese American students of Butte High School in Gila River, Arizona whose work is presented in Cactus Blossoms or Tumbleweeds include: Fusao Arai, Jim Araki, Nobuko Emoto, John Fuyuume, Robert Fuyuume, Jessica Hoshino, Lily Ikeda, Taduko Indadomi, Oscar Inouye, Tokiko Inouye, Hideo Itabashi, Lois Kaneoka, Kiyoye Kuwahara, Lily Matsuura, Mary Matsuzawa, June Moriwaki, Ben Mura, Michiye Nakamura, Lillie Ogino, Yukio Ota, Bette Shikata, Kimii Nagata, Takashi Teramaye, Jiro Tokunaga, Jim Toya, Tom Uejima, Midori Wada, Yanie Watanabe, Fusako Yamaoaka, Frances Yanaginuma, Beverly Yoshimoto, and Bob Yoshimoto.